A downloadable game

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Choose the correct card to upgrade the ants! May the best ant win.

(no ants where harmed in the making of this game)

For the ExtraCredits Jam 2018

Play Solo or vs a Friend

This is my first game,  I hope you enjoy it. Have Fun!

A game inspired by the "antcanada" youtube channel. Made under 48hs.



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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Ant-2-3 (gamejamEC2018).exe 2.4 MB


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(2 edits) (+1)

Hello, nice game! What if, instead of affecting our ants, the trap cards affect opponents'?
As it is now, since you can see what card you're picking, you're not going to pick a trap card.


Hey! It would be a cool idea to add it for sure! I should re-take the Idea one of these days.

Thanks for playing!